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Publikationen - NanoCraft Coating GmbH

Publikationen und Presseberichte


Plas­ma statt Che­mie – Eine Um­welt­re­vo­lu­ti­on beim Coil Coa­ting
Fa. Gries­ser, B. Va­sil­je­vic, Na­no­Craft GmbH, Plas­ma­t­re­at GmbH, Joa­chim Schüss­ler
bbr, Mai 2007

Mei­len­stein in der An­la­gen­tech­nik: Coil Coa­ting-An­la­ge mit In­li­ne-Plas­ma Rei­ni­gung
Fa. Gries­ser, B. Va­sil­je­vic, Na­no­Craft GmbH, Plas­ma­t­re­at GmbH
Bes­ser la­ckie­ren ! Die Ober­flä­chen-Zei­tung, Mai 2007

Ober­flä­chen­ana­ly­tik mit der che­misch sen­si­ti­ven Kraft­mi­kro­sko­pie
S. Akari, M. Korte, H. Kühn
Labor und Pra­xis, 2005

Mo­le­kü­le be­ken­nen Farbe
S. Akari, M. Korte, H. Kühn
JOT – Ober­flä­chen­tech­nik, 2005

The Co­lors of Mole­cu­les, Che­mi­cal Force Microsco­py enables a new look on sur­faces
Sabri Akari, Micha­el Korte, Ha­rald Kühn
G.I.T. Ima­ging & Microsco­py, 01 (2005)

Quan­ti­ta­ti­ve me­a­su­re­ment of chro­mi­um’s abi­li­ty to pro­mo­te ad­he­si­on
M. Schnei­der, Sabri Akari, H. Möh­wald
The Jour­nal of Ad­he­si­on, 79 (2003)

Che­mi­cal pul­sed-Force Microsco­py of sin­gle po­ly­ethy­le­n­emi­ne Mole­cu­les in aque­ous so­lu­ti­on
Sabri Akari
Lang­muir, 18, 602 (2002)

De­tec­tion of sin­gle PSS po­ly­mers on rough sur­faces by pul­sed-Force-Mo­de scan­ning force microsco­py
Min Zhu, Sabri Akari
Nano Let­ters, 1, 10, 569, 2001

Con­trol­ling the Ad­so­pr­ti­on of sin­gle Poly(sty­re­ne­sul­fo­na­te) So­di­um on NH3-mo­di­fied Gold sur­faces on a mole­cu­lar scale
Minu, Sabri Akari
Lang­muir, 17, 6471 (2001)

Na­no-wet­ting of micel­lar struc­tu­res on Gra­phi­te: In-si­tu in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons by
Scan­ning Force Microsco­py
M. Re­gen­brecht, S. Akari, S. Förs­ter, R. Netz, H. Möh­wald
Na­no­tech­no­lo­gy, ac­cep­ted 2000

In­ter­ac­tion Forces bet­ween OH-groups in dif­fe­rent sol­vents as ob­ser­ved by scan­ning force microsco­py
G. Pa­pas­tav­rou, S. Akari
Jour­nal of col­lo­ids and in­ter­faces, 1999

Spe­ci­fic de­tec­tion of in­ter­ac­tions bet­ween un­char­ged sur­faces in dif­fe­rent sol­vents: high re­so­lu­ti­on ima­ging by CFM
G. Pa­pas­tav­rou, S. Akari
Na­no­tech­no­lo­gy, 10, 1, 1999

Shape in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons of char­ged block co­p­o­ly­mer micel­les on che­mi­cal­ly dif­fe­rent sur­faces by Ato­mic Force Microsco­py
M. Re­gen­brecht, S. Akari, S. Förs­ter and H. Möh­wald
Jour­nal of phy­si­cal che­mis­try, 27, 418, 1999

Fu­si­on of char­ged block co­p­o­ly­mer micells into tro­pid net­works
S. Förs­ter, N. Herms­dorf, L. Laube, H. Schnab­leg­ger, M. re­gen­brecht, S. Akari,
P.​Lindner, and Ch. Bött­cher
Jour­nal of phy­si­cal che­mis­try, 27, 414, 1999

Sphe­ri­cal po­ly­mer con­tai­ners with a fluid po­ly­mer core: syn­the­si­si and
cha­rac­te­riza­t­i­on of film for­ma­ti­on by a scan­ning force microsco­pe
C. Schel­len­berg, S. Akari, M. Re­gen­brecht, K. Tauer, F. Pe­trat, M.  An­to­ni­et­ti
Lang­muir, 15, 1283, 1999

Fu­si­on of micel­les of Poly -(bu­ta­di­e­ne – block – 2 – vi­nyl­py­ri­de­ne) and de­ri­va­ti­ves
on che­mi­cal­ly dif­fe­rent sub­stra­tes
M. Re­gen­brecht, S. Akari, S. Förs­ter and H. Möh­wald
Sur­face and in­ter­face ana­ly­sis, 27, 418, 1999

Tap­ping mode force microsco­py ima­ging of elas­tic pro­per­ties of core-shell latex par­ti­cles
I. Stapff, G. wei­de­mann, C. Schel­leb­berg, , M. Re­gen­brecht, S. Akari, M., An­to­ni­et­ti
Sur­face and in­ter­face ana­ly­sis, 27, 392, 1999

Tri­ple-chain phos­pho­li­pid mo­no­lay­ers: a scan­ning force microsco­py and gra­zing
in­ci­din­ce X-ray dif­frac­tion study
S. Le­po­r­at­ti, S. Akari, F. Brin­ge­zu, G. Bre­zes­in­ki, H. Möh­wald
Appl. Phys. A 66, 1249 (1998)

Qua­li­ta­ti­ve Chan­ge of the elec­tro­nic pro­per­ties of a smi­con­duc­tor sur­face by che­mi­cal
tre­at­ment using po­ly­elec­tro­ly­tes
S. Akari, J. Bone­ber­gy, P. Lei­de­rer
Lang­muir, 13, 4369, 1997

Ima­ging of sin­gle Po­ly­ethy­le­n­imi­ne po­ly­mers by che­mi­cal force microsco­py
S. Akari, W. Schrepp, D. Horn
Lang­muir, 12, 857 (1996)

Che­mi­cal Ima­ging of sin­gle Ply­ethy­le­n­imi­ne po­ly­mers by scan­ning force microsco­py
S. Akari, W. Schrepp, D. Horn
Ber. Bun­sen­ges. Phys. Chem. 100, 1014 (1996)

Di­rect mor­pho­lo­gi­cal in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons of me­tal-po­ly­mer-in­ter­faces
S. Akari, E. Es­se­l­ink
Sur­face and In­ter­faces Ana­ly­sis, 23, 426 (1995)

Che­mi­cal ima­ging by scan­ning force microsco­py
S. Akari, D. Horn, H. Kel­ler,W. Schrepp
Ad­van­ced Ma­te­ri­als, 7, 549 (1995)

Ima­ging of sin­gle po­ly­mer chains based on their elas­ti­ci­ty
S. Akari, E. van der Vegte, P.C.M: Grim, G. Hadz­zii­an­nou
Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1915 (1994)

3D Map­ping of Solar Cell Base Ma­te­ri­als By Pp­ho­to-As­sis­ted Tun­ne­ling
Lux­stei­ner MC. Akari S. Frie­melt K. Glock­ler K.  Microsco­py
Solar En­er­gy Ma­te­ri­als & Solar Cells. 35(1-4):149-156, 1994 Sep.

Pho­to­vol­taic cha­rec­te­riza­t­i­on of WSe2 with the scan­ning tun­ne­ling microsco­pe
S. Akari, M. Ch. Lux-Stei­ner and K. Drans­feld
Ann. der Phy­sik, 2, 1441 (1993)

Dras­tic in­crea­se of the quan­tum ef­fi­ci­en­cy of ReS2 by che­mi­cal tre­at­ment
S. Akari, K. Frie­melt, K. Glöck­ler and K. Drans­feld
Ap­p­lied Phy­sics, A57, 221 (1993)

Scan­ning Tun­ne­ling Microsco­py in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons with ato­mic re­so­lu­ti­on on ReS2
Sin­gle crys­tals grown by vapor phase trans­port
S. Akari, K. Frie­melt, M. Ch. Luxs-Stei­ner, E. Bu­cher and K. Drans­feld
Ann. Phy­sik 1, 248, (1992)

Na­no­me­ter-si­ze sur­face mo­di­fi­ca­ti­ons with pre­ser­ved ato­mic order
ge­ne­ra­ted by vol­ta­ge pul­ses
Th. Schim­mel, H. Fuchs, S. Akari and K. Drans­feld
Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 1039,(1991)

Tun­nel­mi­kro­sko­pie an Schicht­struk­tur-Halb­lei­tern
Har­tung-Gor­re Ver­lag Kon­stanz, 1991

Tri­an­gu­lar struc­tu­res on tungs­ten di­se­len­i­de in­du­ced and ob­ser­ved by
scan­ning Tun­ne­ling microsco­py
S. Akari, M. Möl­ler and K. Drans­feld
Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 243 (1991)

Pho­to-as­sis­ted tun­ne­ling spec­trosco­py: preli­mi­na­ry re­sults on WSe2
S. Akari, M. Ch. Lux-Stei­ner and K. Drans­feld
J. Vac. Sci Tec­nol., 9, 561 (1991)

Mole­cu­lar re­so­lu­ti­on of Lang­muir-Blod­gett mo­no­lay­ers by scan­ning tun­ne­ling microsco­py
S. Akari, H. Fuchs, and K. Drans­feld
Zeit­schrift für Phy­sik B. 80 , 389, (1990)

Ano­ma­lous vol­ta­ge de­pen­dence of tun­ne­ling microsco­py in WSe2
S. Akari, M. Sta­chel, H. Birk and K. Drans­feld
Jour­nal of microsco­py, 152, 521 (1988)




Vol­ta­ge de­pen­dence of the ato­mic re­so­lu­ti­on in WSe2 with an STM
S. Akari, M. Sta­chel and K. Drans­feld
Pro­cee­ding of the third in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence on scan­ning tun­ne­ling microsco­py, Ox­ford 1988.

Tun­nel­mi­kro­sko­pi­sche Un­ter­su­chung der lo­ka­len Aus­tritts­ar­beit an HOPG-
und WSe2-Ober­flä­chen.
S. Akari, E. Schreck and K. Drans­feld
Ver­hand­lun­gen der DPG (1989)

Ab­bil­dung von Flüs­sig­kris­tall­mo­le­kü­len auf einer glat­ten Ober­flä­che mit
einem Tun­nel­mi­kro­skop
H. Birk, S. Akari and K. Drans­feld
Pro­cee­ding of the eu­ropean li­quid crys­tal win­ter con­fe­rence, Schlad­ming (1989)

Local pho­to-as­sis­ted tun­ne­ling spec­trosco­py on WSe2-sur­faces
S. Akari, M. Sta­chel
Pro­cee­dings of the fifth in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence on scan­ning
tun­ne­ling microsco­py, Bal­ti­more USA (1991)

Mole­cu­lar Re­so­lu­ti­on of Lang­muir-Blod­gett Mo­no­lay­ers on Tungs­ten Di­se­len­i­de by STM
H. Fuchs, S. Akari and K. Drasns­fel
Pro­cee­dings of the fifth in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence on scan­ning
tun­ne­ling microsco­py, Bal­ti­more USA (1991)

Ras­ter-tun­nel­mi­kro­sko­pie an Lang­muir-Blod­gett Mo­no­schich­ten
S. Akari, K. Drans­feld, H. Fuchs und W. Schrepp
Ver­hand­lun­gen der DPG, Re­gens­burg (1990).

Pho­to-as­sis­ted tun­ne­ling spec­trosco­py on WSe2 and MoSe2
S. Akari, T. Schill and K. Drans­feld
Pro­cee­ding of the 6´th in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence on scan­ning tun­ne­ling microsco­py, In­ter­la­ken (1991)

Tri­an­gu­lar De­pres­si­ons on WSe2 in­du­ced and ob­ser­ved by scan­ning tun­ne­ling microsco­py
S. Akari, R. Möl­ler and K. Drans­feld
Pro­cee­ding of the 6´th in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence on scan­ning tun­ne­ling microsco­py, In­ter­la­ken (1991)

Scan­ning tun­ne­ling microsco­py and pho­tons
R. Möl­ler, S. Akari, C. Baur and K. Drans­feld
Pro­cee­ding of the 8´th con­fe­rence on scan­ning prope microsco­py and re­la­ted
tech­ni­ques, Santa Bar­ba­ra USA (1991)

Er­zeu­gung und Be­ob­ach­tung von drei­ecki­gen Struk­tu­ren auf WSe2-
Ober­flä­chen mit Hilfe des Tun­nel­mi­kro­skops
S. Akari, R. Möl­ler and K. Drans­feld
Ver­hand­lun­gen der DPG, Müns­ter (1991)

Pho­to-un­ter­stütz­te Tun­nel­spek­tro­ko­pie an Halb­lei­ter­ober­flä­chen
S. Akari, T. Schill, M. Vögt and K. Drans­feld
Ver­hand­lun­gen der DPG, Müns­ter (1991)

Tun­nel­mi­kro­sko­pie an WSe2 im Ul­trahoch­va­ku­um
R. Möl­ler, C. Baur, B. Koslow­ski, S. Akari and K, Drans­feld
Ver­hand­lun­gen der DPG, Müns­ter (1991)

Scan­ning Tun­ne­ling microsco­py on Lang­muir-Blod­gett-Films de­po­si­ted on WSe2-Sub­stra­tes
Th. Wag­ner, S. Akari, S. Roth and K. Drans­feld
Pro­cee­ding of the in­tern­ar­tio­nal con­fe­rence of Lang­muir-Blod­gett-Films Paris (1991)

Tri­an­gu­lar de­pres­si­ons­on WSe2 in­du­ced and ob­ser­ved by scan­ning tun­ne­ling microsco­py
S. Akari, M. Möl­ler and K. Drans­feld
Pro­cee­ding of the in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence on scan­ning tun­ne­ling
microsco­py, In­ter­la­ken, Schweiz (1991).

Ein­satz des Ras­ter-Tun­nel­mi­kro­sops für pho­to­vol­ta­i­sche Un­ter­su­chun­gen
S. Akari, T. Schill, M. Ch. Lux-Stei­ner and K. Drans­feld
DPG-Ver­hand­lun­gen, Phy­si­ker­ta­gung, Ber­lin (1992)

Pho­to-as­sis­ted tun­ne­ling spec­trosco­py on WSe2 and MoSe2 by scan­ning
tun­ne­ling microsco­py
S. Akari, M. Ch. Lux-Stei­ner, T. Schill and E. Bu­cher and K. Drans­feld
Eleventh eu­ropean Pho­to­vol­taic solar en­er­gy con­fe­rence and Ex­hi­bi­ti­on, Mon­treux (1992)

Dras­tic in­crea­se of the quan­tum ef­fi­ci­en­cy by che­mi­cal tre­at­ment
S. Akari, T. Schill, M. Ch. Lux-Stei­ner and K. drans­feld
third In­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence on pho­toac­tive ma­te­ri­als, Leu­ven (1993)

Che­mi­cal Ima­ging by scan­ning force microsco­py
7`th in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence on scan­ning tun­ne­ling microsco­py
S. Akari, D. Horn, H. Kel­ler and W. Schrepp
Snow­mass­vil­la­ge (USA) 1995

Ima­ging of sin­gle po­ly­e­hy­le­n­imi­ne po­ly­mers by che­mi­cal force microsco­py
1`st in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence on po­ly­elec­ty­le­tes
S. Akari, W. Schrepp, D. Horn
Pots­dam, 1995

Qua­li­ta­ti­ve chan­ge of the elec­tro­nic pro­per­ties of a se­mi­con­duc­tors by che­mi­cal tre­at­ment
S. Akari
Scan­ning´97, Co­lo­ra­do, 1996

Che­mi­cal Force Microsco­py
S. Akari, G. Pa­pas­tav­rou
SPM-Ta­gung, Ber­lin´98

Ad­sorp­ti­on stuc­tu­res of di­block­co­p­o­ly­mers by SFM
S. Akari, M. Re­gen­brecht, H. Möh­wald
SPM-Ta­gung, Ber­lin´98

Ras­ter-Son­den-Mi­kro­sko­pi­en für Po­ly­mer­an­wen­dun­gen
S. Akari
DPG-Ta­gung, Müns­ter´99

Spe­ci­fic ima­ging of func­tio­nal groups by che­mi­cal force microsco­py
S. Akari, G. Pa­pas­tav­rou
10´th in­ter­na­tio­nal STM-Con­fe­rence, seoul´99

Ad­sorp­ti­on struc­tu­res of di­block co­p­o­ly­mer micells on sur­faces made by cP
S. Akari, M. Re­gen­brecht, H. Möh­wald
10´th in­ter­na­tio­nal STM-Con­fe­rence, Seoul´99