+49(0)7733 948445

Analytics Measuring surface - NanoCraft Coating GmbH

Analytical Services Surface Technology

Due to our long-standing experience in the field of surface analysis, we can provide our customers with a wide range of analytical methods.


Chemical Force Microscopy (CFM)

As experts and co-inventors (publications) in the field of chemical force microscopy (CFM), we are very pleased to be able to offer this service to our customers as a service as well.

Using CFM, very specific interactions between specially coated tips (see CFM measurement tips) and the surface to be examined can be detected. This results in a high chemical specificity of the image. Chemical sensitivity combined with topographic and elastic high resolution makes chemical force microscopy a unique tool for surface research with great potential for developments and new solutions.


Modifications of Scanning Probe Microscopy

Besides CFM, NanoCraft Coating GmbH offers further modifications of scanning probe microscopy (SPM). These include:

  • Atomic force microscopy (scanning force microscopy, AFM)
  • Piezoelectric force microscopy (PFM)
  • Digital Pulsed Force Mode (DPFM) – SPM
  • Tapping Mode Microscopy


further analytical methods from our service portfolio

In addition to the analysis methods listed above, we also offer our customers the following service analytics:

  • Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (ATR-FTIR) for the detection of molecular bonds (e.g. C-H, -OH, C=O, -NH …) in 100 – 3000nm depth
  • Secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) imaging method for analyzing the atomic and molecular composition of vacuum – compatible samples in the upper 1-3 monolayers or for recording depth profiles.
  • X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS; electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis, ESCA) – for non-destructive determination of the chemical composition of vacuum-compatible samples at 5 – 10 nm depth, optionally imaging
  • Scanning electron microscope (SEM) for imaging the sample topography in the nm range for vacuum-compatible samples
  • Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for vacuum – compatible samples from 10 to several 100nm
  • Ellipsometry – to determine dielectric material properties and layer thickness of thin layers by changing the polarization state of light
  • Contact angle microscopy – for characterizing the wetting behavior of solid surfaces by liquids, hydrophilicity, hydrophobia, oleophobia

NanoCraft Coating GmbH determines for you the critical parameters of your surface quickly and reliably such as: chemical elements, surface roughness and topography (down to the atomic range), interactive forces, surface energies and wetting properties . In the following, we present the results in the form you require.

Comparative investigations (before-after observation) as well as high-resolution imaging of the surface down to the atomic range are part of our daily business. The evaluation, analysis and interpretation carried out by us can of course also be documented in a form ready for publication.

Would you like more information? We are at your disposal for a consultation regarding your specific request. You can reach us by phone +49 7733 948445 or by e-mail at  info@​nanocraft.​de.