+49(0)7733 948445

Our Vision - NanoCraft Coating GmbH

Dear Visitors,

On be­half of NanoCraftCoating we wel­come you on our homepage.

In an eco­nom­ic en­vi­ron­ment in which the tech­no­log­i­cal head start is be­com­ing cru­cial in de­cid­ing the suc­cess of whole the com­pa­ny, the ef­fi­cient and rapid con­ver­sion of re­search re­sults is be­com­ing more im­por­tant than ever. Un­der­stand­ing and an­a­lyz­ing sur­face pro­cess­es on the nano- and µ-scale is most es­sen­tial for the suc­cess in the de­vel­op­ment of novel sur­face sys­tems. Par­tic­u­lar­ly the de­vel­op­ment of ef­fi­cient coat­ing sys­tems, nano- and biotech­no­log­i­cal prod­ucts can be clear­ly ac­cel­er­at­ed.

Qual­i­fied in­ter­dis­ci­plinary skilled sci­en­tists with 23-years ex­pe­ri­ence are dis­cussing with the users their sur­face re­lat­ed prob­lems. Short as well as long term pro­jects can be ini­ti­at­ed with us. As our part­ner, you get the max­i­mum use from ex­pe­ri­ence at low­est costs and risks. NanoCraft with its ex­ten­sive Nano-Know-How, of­fers you a range of ad­vanced an­a­lyt­i­cal tools with qual­i­fied sci­en­tif­ic su­per­vi­sion in the frame­work of mis­sion ori­ent­ed re­search. Our team is work­ing on your prob­lmes in a well equipped lab­o­ra­to­ry. You will get the op­ti­mum of in­for­ma­tion and sup­port even after clo­sure of the pro­ject.

A large num­ber of first class com­pa­nies from dif­fer­ent in­dus­tri­al branch­es are al­ready work­ing with us and use the ob­tained in­for­ma­tion for their own de­vel­op­ment with high sat­is­fac­tion.

Be­come our part­ner to get the largest ben­e­fit of our tech­ni­cal ex­pe­ri­ence in this im­por­tant field.


Rania Akari
Executive manager