+49(0)7733 948445

Imprint - NanoCraft Coating GmbH

NanoCraft Coat­ing GmbH 
In­no­va­tion­szen­trum Engen

Turm­str. 4
78234 Engen

Tel.: +49 (0) 7733 948445
Fax: +49 (0) 3222 3211542

E-Mail: info@​nanocraft.​de
Web:  www.​nanocraft.​de

CEO: Ms. Rania Akari

VAT ID: DE 262 687 076
Commercial register: HRB 702885, Local Court Freiburg

Responsible for content: Rania Akari, Harald Kühn

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Image Credits
31331414 pla­ti­ne © seen – Fotolia.​com
50866344 be­au­ti­ful woman with fa­shion ma­keup and long white hairs © Valua Vi­ta­ly – Fotolia.​com
50608242 Se­rious che­mist wor­king with white dna helix dia­gram in­te­face © Wa­ve­bre­ak­me­dia­Micro – Fotolia.​com
48398784 Ab­wehr­kräf­te und Im­mu­ni­tät – Il­lus­tra­ti­on Bak­te­ri­en © ag vi­su­ell – Fo­to­lia.
48765110 Die Me­tall­roh­re © beer­me­dia – Fotolia.​com
32091660 Trop­fen © Ste­fan Kör­ber – Fotolia.​com
799554 kup­fer­stif­te © Tho­mas Weit­zel – Fotolia.​com
52276752 La­bo­ra­to­ry re­se­arch © press­mas­ter – Fotolia.​com
42861842 Icon of mole­cu­lar struc­tu­re © Lo­nely – Fotolia.​com
42834039 water drops © Da­ni­el Fleck – Fotolia.​com